Blend Order
Blend Order 1: One Main Nutrient
This blend calculates last in a prescription.
In this example, there is more than one nutrient in the blend (nitrogen and sulfur), however nitrogen is the main nutrient. If used in a prescription with other fertilizer blends, this would calculate last. You would want this to calculate after all the other products to make sure you get credit from any other nitrogen is the prescription.
Blend Order 2: Two Main Nutrients
This blend calculates after blend order 3.
In this example, there are two main nutrients in the blend (P & K). If used in a prescription with other fertilizer blends, this would calculate after a product with a blend order of 3. Phosphorus is selected as the fertilizer source in this equation. You would not want to calculate this last, as the nitrogen in this blend would not be taken account for until the end, thus you may have more nitrogen applied than needed.
Blend Order 3: Multiple Main Nutrients
This blend calculates first in a prescription.
In this example, there are 5 nutrients in the blend (N, P, K, S, & Zn). Phosphorus is the main nutrient in this blend, thus it is selected as the fertilizer source. You want to calculate this first because there are multiple nutrients, other than phosphorus, in this blend that will most likely want to be account ed for at the beginning. If all of the nutrients in this blend are not accounted for at the beginning, you may over apply because they will not be calculated until other nutrients have been added into your equation.