Crops Settings allow the list of crops in Prescription Builder > Crop tab to be customized. Users can also add new crops and set crop prices here.
1. Click on the Selected Profile button to choose which profile to apply crop settings to. A Retailer, Location, or Grower can be selected.
2. Use the arrows between the two tables to move crops from the Non-Local Crops table to the Local Crops table.
3. Set a crop price.
Select a crop from the Local Crops table, and click Edit.
Fill out the Edit Crop. Crops can be set as active or inactive, meaning they will either be shown or hidden in Prescription Builder > Crop tab. Click Save when the form is complete.
4. Add a new crop.
Click Add.
Fill out the Add Crop form. Crops can be set as active or inactive, meaning they will either be shown or hidden in Prescription Builder > Crop Click Save when the form is complete.
5. Crops listed in the Local Crops table will now be the only crops available in Prescription Builder > Crop