How to Import an Existing Border with New Field Request
Import an Existing Border
Existing border files in the shapefile format can be imported.
1. Next to Border Files, click Select Files.
The Select Border Files window opens. If using Choose .zip file, only the shapefile for the field being entered can be inside the .zip file. Use Choose multiple files to select all three parts of the shapefile. In this example, Choose multiple files is selected.
Navigate to the folder that contains the border file. Select the shapefile (.dbf, .shp, .shx) of the field border. Click Open.
The border files are now displayed in the window. Click Confirm.
2. The border will now display on the map.
Verify the Field Information: Verify the State, County, Township and Section. This information is auto-populated based on the border. It may be useful to turn on the Sections Overlay on the Map to determine the Location in Section.
Choose the Location in Section and Number in Location. This information is used to create the Field ID. The Field ID is the field’s unique identifier in the MZB database. The Field ID can be modified by clicking in the box and entering a desired field ID.
There are two default options for the Field ID: an eight character or sixteen character field ID. Using the eight character default, the field ID would be OR17SE01. OR = First two letters of the Township, 17 = Section, SE = Location in Section, 01 = Number in Location.
If the township has two words, use the first letter in each word for the township designator (Elm Grove = EG). Using the sixteen character default, the field ID would be BR124N063W17SE01. BR = First two letters of the County, 124N = Township, 063W = Range, 17 = Section, SE = Location in Section, 01 = Number in Location.
For Full MZB, MZB Lite, and Non-MZB fields, enter the Previous Crop, Cropping Intentions, Year, and First VRT Application boxes.
Enter a Field Alias. This can be any name the grower desires.
Enter Mapping Center Comments. Examples include: special instructions for data logging, how to access the field, etc.
3. Click Submit Request. A message will display when the field has been successfully submitted.