Fertilizers Tab


The following section describes how to:

  • Choose a Fertilizer

  • Adjust Fertilizer Properties

Choose a Fertilizer

Once the crop has been chosen, the fertilizers need to be chosen on the Fertilizer Tab. To select a fertilizer, click the dropdown arrow next to the nutrient source and select a fertilizer. To set a default fertilizer for each nutrient source, see Settings > Default Fertilizer. Custom Blends are shown at the bottom of the list. Custom Blend are created in Settings > Blend Settings.

NOTE: The list of fertilizers comes from Settings. For more information, see Settings > Products.

Adjust Fertilizer Properties

  1. To adjust the properties of a fertilizer, click Properties next to the fertilizer.

2. Users can change the Name, Alias, Product Type, Unit Description, Density, Price, Pricing Unit, Analysis and Blend Order.

  1. Blend Order designates the order in which the products are calculated in the equation.

    • 1 = Single Nutrient Product (Calculates last)

    • 2 = Product with two nutrients

    • 3 = Multiple Nutrient Product (Calculates first)

3. After changes have been made, click Confirm at the bottom of the window.

NOTE: Changes made here will only apply to the current prescription. Long-term changes can be made in Settings > Products, or by updating a Template.