Yield Goal Defaults and Ranges
Yield Goal Defaults
This setting allows default yield goals to be set in Prescription Builder > Yield Goals tab.
1. Click on the Selected Profile button to choose which profile to set yield goal defaults. A Retailer, Location, or Grower can be selected.
2. Choose a crop from the Selected Crop.
3. Enter yield goals in the Yield Goal Defaults by Zone.
4. Click Apply at the bottom of the tool.
Yield Goal Ranges
This setting allows minimum and maximum yield goals to be set in Prescription Builder > Yield Goals tab.
1. Click on the Selected Profile button to choose which profile to set yield goal ranges on. A Retailer or Location can be selected.
2. Choose a crop from the Selected Crop.
3. Enter yield goals in the Yield Goal Ranges by Zone.
4. Click Apply at the bottom of the tool.